BenPru / luxtronik

Luxtronik integration for Home Assistant
MIT License
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added time and day related evu events (related #38) #248 #249

Open Gifford47 opened 2 months ago

Gifford47 commented 2 months ago

i've added a new attribute SA.EVU_DAYS and a logic which saves the evu days into the mentioned attribute. in the _calc_next_evu_event_minutes(self) is now a new fraction of code which takes care of the days on which the evu is not present. it calculates the "pause" time and adds it to EVU_minutes_until_next_event

Knows Bug: @BenPru currently i get the following error because of wrong types:

  File "/config/custom_components/luxtronik2/", line 443, in _wd_txt
    for i in value:
TypeError: 'datetime.time' object is not iterable

NOTE: ive changed_attr_cache: dict[SA, object] = {}`

Gifford47 commented 2 months ago

@rhammen @ggajoch can you look at this PR please? I´m struggling with the above error.