BenWestgate / bails-wallet

Auditable Implementation for creating & importing Codex32 backups to Bitcoin Core
MIT License
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Method used for brute forcing panic mode wallets with identical fingerprints is wrong. #2

Closed BenWestgate closed 9 months ago

BenWestgate commented 9 months ago

I am searching for xprvs but this is tremendously inefficient, because any master xprv that has the same private and public key data but a different chaincode will have completely different children and be a different wallet but have the same fingerprint........

All I had to do is generate a random 32-byte number from the master root node to use as the new wallet's chain code. This is instant in comparison to a minute per new wallet.

BenWestgate commented 9 months ago

This is the intended behavior because it produces close matches not perfect matches.

The 12-bits mismatch helps users not mistake their different wallets for one another.

The non-persistent wallet is the root node. The encrypted wallets are children.