BenWoodford / SteamVR-Webkit

Toolkit for building WebKit-based overlays for SteamVR.
MIT License
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Overlays Don't Always Appear #7

Closed robnewton closed 7 years ago

robnewton commented 7 years ago

If the controllers are not on before I run my app then they will never appear. Also if the overlay is attached to a specific controller (left for instance) then if the controllers switch, steamvr handles it and knows that the right became the left, but the overlay does not move over to the new left handed controller.

BenWoodford commented 7 years ago

It's a bit of a can of worms this one, as I need to start handling various events like hand swaps, device connections, etc. This is gonna be fun.

robnewton commented 7 years ago

Ya I figured. I'll help get it going.

robnewton commented 7 years ago

Fixed in pull request 8