This is a collection of issues that should be addressed during the next rework of bripipetools:
[ ] add ATACseq #120 and Cut and Run functions
[ ] push MiXCR data by project not flowcell #119
[ ] 10x to research database #118
[ ] rhapsody to research database (maybe even a general/manual push to database script)
[ ] partial downloads from base space
[ ] improve handling of files in globus_batch_submit folder #113
[ ] avoiding double submissions #114
[ ] write documentation on how to run flowcells (epigenetic, RNAseq, 10x, rhapsody,...)
[ ] in general: handle create/delete folders commands more gracefully
[ ] cleanup /archive workflows, update annotations, and add new ones for ATAC/Cut and Run and update
[ ] the summarize mixcr script that pushes TCRs to the research database should be able to overwrite existing TCRs, and also use the credentials from the config.ini file
[ ] update documentation
[ ] add timestamps to runs and automatically calculate runtimes (per library, project, flowcell) and push to research database
[ ] can we automate the step where we give people BAP permissions?
[ ] verify integrity of data before wrapping up, e.g. make sure all the metrics are files, and not folder. ideally there would be a list of libraries that are missing something at the end
This is a collection of issues that should be addressed during the next rework of
folder #113config.ini