While this is a fairly small web page, make it a habit to comment your code because it will help you in the long run especially as you begin working on web applications that have very long web pages. This also allows you to take advantage of code folding abilities in text editors because you can fold code blocks and the comment will still tell you what the folded code block is about. It also makes debugging applications easier when you can zero in on the relevant code and not get distracted by clutter surrounding it. Lastly, comments make it easier to identify sections of a webpage.
While this is a fairly small web page, make it a habit to comment your code because it will help you in the long run especially as you begin working on web applications that have very long web pages. This also allows you to take advantage of code folding abilities in text editors because you can fold code blocks and the comment will still tell you what the folded code block is about. It also makes debugging applications easier when you can zero in on the relevant code and not get distracted by clutter surrounding it. Lastly, comments make it easier to identify sections of a webpage.