Bender250 / master-thesis

Materials and the text for my master thesis
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Status #34

Closed Bender250 closed 7 years ago

Bender250 commented 7 years ago

Progress in form of:

1       Introduction                                        pre-first iteration
1.1     Cryptoprimitives selection process
1.2     Cryptoanalysis
1.2.1   Cryptorimitives properties
1.3     Cryptoanalysis automisation
1.3.1   Optimization problem for a cryptoprimitive
1.4     Statistical testing
1.4.1   Statistical batteries
1.4.2   EACirc                                              not started
1.5     EACirc computation loop
1.6     EACirc’s potential
1.6.1   Individual representation
1.6.2   Speed-up of computation
1.6.3   Evaluation
1.6.4   Learning process
1.7     Problem optimisation                                pre-first iteration
1.7.1   Metaheuristics
1.7.2   ANN

2       Current approaches in problem optimization          second checked grammar
2.1     Single-solution metaheuristics
2.1.1   Local search
2.1.2   Iterative local search
2.1.3   GRASP
2.1.4   Multi-start local search
2.1.5   Guided local search
2.1.6   Noisy method
2.1.7   Smoothing method
2.1.8   Variable neighbourhood search
2.1.9   Simulated annealing
2.1.10  Tabu search
2.2     Multi-solutions metaheuristics                      first checked grammar
2.2.1   Evolutionary algorithms
2.2.2   Ant colony optimization
2.2.3   Scatter search
2.2.4   Other swarm intelligence methods
2.3     Other methods
2.3.1   Artificial neural networks                          first checked grammar
2.3.2   Other statistical classification methods            first checked grammar

3       Experiment methodology                              first checked by Petr
3.1     Used data
3.1.1   Reimplementation of stream handling in EACirc
3.1.2   Implementation of functions
3.1.3   Data generator tool
3.2     Methodology for specific optimisation methods
3.2.1   Single-solution methodology
3.2.2   Multi-solutions methodology                         first checked grammar

4       Experiment results                                  first checked grammar
4.1     Single-solution metaheuristics                      first checked grammar
4.1.1   Iterated local search baseline                      first checked grammar
4.1.2   Simulated annealing                                 first checked grammar
4.1.3   Guided local search                                 first checked grammar
4.1.4   Variable neighbourhood search                       first checked grammar
4.2     Multi-solutions metaheuristics                      removed
4.2.1   Bruteforce baseline                                 removed
4.2.2   Evolutionary algorithms                             removed
4.3     ANN                                                 first checked grammar
4.4     Inter-approach comparison                           not started

5       Related work                                        first checked grammar
5.1     Statistical batteries                               first checked grammar
5.1.1   Results                                             first checked grammar
5.2     Compression algorithms                              first checked grammar
5.3     Metaheuristcs for randomness testing                first checked grammar

6       Conclusion                                          not started
6.1     Methodology
6.2     Results
6.3     Future work

Bender250 commented 7 years ago

Petr checked almost whole results and related work

It would be nice if Martin check the results again and Lubo checks the related work.


Check multisolution metaheuristics Write intro Check intro by Marta and Petr

Bender250 commented 7 years ago

Submitted to Petr: