Closed ShawkiVA closed 1 year ago
Just tried it out, it's working as expected with the json. There's a problem with the MessagePackProtocol
i'm going to fix.
I think my explanation of the issue was unclear, as I'm currently working with json and still experiencing this issue.
I would like to be able to use an async function as a callback for HubConnection.On(), and then have that async function return a value back to the server. Here's the code I initially tried:
_signalRConnection.On("OnMessage", async () => { await Task.Delay(10000); return "response!"; });
This code would run, but the server would never get the response of "response!". If I changed it so that it was no longer asynchronous and just returned the string, the server WOULD receive the response with no issue.
Where I believe the issue lies:
I was able to trace the issue back to HubConnection.cs, within OnMessages() in the MessageTypes.Invocation case. A subscription's functionCallback will be called, return a value, and then immediately send that message back to the server. This works as expected for synchronous functions, but as far as I could tell, there is no place that accounts for awaiting async functions to get their results.
My fix:
I modified the Subscription class to include a new list for asyncFunctionCallbacks. These are handled very similarly to functionCallbacks, but the last parameter of the function is always Task<object>
. Now, in HubConnection.OnMessages, I will run these asyncFunctionCallbacks on a thread, await their results, and then send the messages back to the server with the appropriate result.
^Not the most elegant fix, but it proved to me that it worked and could be a nice addition to the package. Please let me know if I can provide more detail - also I appreciate your quick response!
Thanks for the clarification!
Yes, the problem is that the return type in these cases is a Task
var result = callbackDesc.Callback(realArgs);
if (result is Task task && task.GetType() is Type taskType && taskType.IsGenericType)
task.ContinueWith((t) =>
Exception error = null;
if (t.IsCanceled || t.IsFaulted)
error = t.Exception.InnerException ?? new TaskCanceledException();
var prop = taskType.GetProperty("Result");
var taskResult = prop.GetValue(t);
SendMessage(new Message
type = MessageTypes.Completion,
invocationId = message.invocationId,
result = taskResult
catch(Exception ex)
error = ex;
if (error != null)
SendMessage(new Message
type = MessageTypes.Completion,
invocationId = message.invocationId,
error = error.Message
SendMessage(new Message
type = MessageTypes.Completion,
invocationId = message.invocationId,
result = result
Here's the full HubConnection.cs:
Thank you! Your solution worked as expected for my use cases. Can I assume this will be included in the next release?
Yep, I think I'm going to include it.
Hello - I've been unable to return a value from an async client function similar to the code located here (.NET client section):
Are there plans to support async client functions like these? In my test code, I am simply awaiting Task.Delay(1000) and returning a string, which never makes it back to the server