I appreciate your great work. I'm looking for the image IDs of VTAB-1k dataset (because I have some problems with downloding them from the official tensorflow_dataset) and downloaded it from the link you provide in the repo. I found that all the images have been renamed. Could you please provide the mapppings of the raw image names and the image names you use. Thanks again.
Hi, as described in the readme, we use a fully preprocessed version that you can download from gdrive. So you dont need any mappings to setup the dataset.
Hi, I appreciate your great work. I'm looking for the image IDs of VTAB-1k dataset (because I have some problems with downloding them from the official tensorflow_dataset) and downloaded it from the link you provide in the repo. I found that all the images have been renamed. Could you please provide the mapppings of the raw image names and the image names you use. Thanks again.