Benestar / ask-wikidata

Do you have a question? Ask Wikidata! This tool lets you enter a question and tries to parse it. If it understands what you want to know, it will search for this information on Wikidata.
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Provide some question examples #3

Open waldyrious opened 10 years ago

waldyrious commented 10 years ago

For example, the home page could say something like:

Type your question into the input box above and press enter. Or click one of the examples below:

  • When was Elvis born?
  • Where is the Eiffel tower?

And clicking the questions would automatically fill the search box and run the query.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Too late, they broke "Where is the Eiffel Tower?" too. The pattern "is located in" no longer matches any properties.

Benestar commented 8 years ago

Yes, that might be useful. However, you may want to try which is far more advanced than this simple tool which is merely a proof of concept.