BeniYukiMai / MaiDumpTool

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Atelier Meruru Plus PCSE-00296 Camera Placement bug #21

Open ickystasis opened 7 years ago

ickystasis commented 7 years ago

Game dumped with 233.2z10 with no errors, redumping the eboot doesn't resolve.

The camera isn't being placed where it should be and doesn't rotate when it should, replacing the eboot with a vitamin eboot+steroid.surpx resolves this issue.

2016-10-07-211356 2016-10-07-212329

ickystasis commented 7 years ago

Redumped eboot with 2zEx, bug is still there. load modes 0,1,5,6 have the camera bug. 2,3,4 game crashes on boot