BeniYukiMai / MaiDumpTool

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Games published by Idea Factory can't be dumped. #27

Open miyo0 opened 7 years ago

miyo0 commented 7 years ago

Vitamin 2.0 can sometimes dump them successfully, but not always.

Mai sometimes just crashes with a 128128 error. Other times, it produces a partial dump.

I've managed to take a non-working dump of an Idea factory game (Trigger Kiss). The game would install and launch, but consistenly crash at a certain point.

Aside from the mai_moe folder and maybe the eboot.bin (the sizes didn't match), the only other difference between the Vitamin 2.0 dump and the Mai dump were the files in the sce_modules folder. Vitamin contained libfios3.suprx, libult.suprx and steroid.suprx. Mai contained libc.suprx, libc_m.suprx, libface.suprx, libfios2.suprx, libfios2_m.suprx, libsmart.suprx and libult.suprx . libult.suprx was the same size in both.

Adding the Vitamin modules to the Mai dump resulted in the game crashing at the same point as before.

Adding the Mai modules to the Vitamin dump fixed the game.