BeniYukiMai / MaiDumpTool

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Add support for more than 2 henkaku plugins enabled #31

Closed TheRadziu closed 7 years ago

TheRadziu commented 7 years ago

Right now mai dumped games on mode 5/6 (DLC support) can handle only 2 plugins at once. Enabling 3 or more will refuse to boot the games (won't go past the splash screen). Someone already did great research on that matter, testing out all loading modes (for example mode 2 and 3 can handle up to 4 plugins at once, but they do not have DLC support), here is the link to that thread: I can confirm THIS IS AN ISSUE WITH MAI, which needs to be addressed ASAP since the total number of available plugins for henkaku is growing with each single day. In my case I cant use Trackplug, oclock and vitabattery at once. I hope Mai's dev will read it and finally we will get new MaiDumpTool update.

Edit: It was so long since last MaiDumpTool update, so if you have given up on that project @BeniYukiMai , please go opensource with your project so the community can take it from here on.

TheRadziu commented 7 years ago

Closing this issue since it seems that henkaku needs to be fixed, not Mai. Missed the part that legit games do not work either in case of 3 plugins or more enabled. Although my suggestion to go open source IF you abandoned the project stays still.