Issue when creating a mesh from a DEM with the specification of xll_corner and yll_corner.
The returns mesh does not have the same dimension as the dimension of the raster DEM.
Also need to check if the mesh is correctly updated once produced/after modifying prepro inputs i.e.;
simu.update_prepo_inputs(change1), simu.update_prepo_inputs(chnage 2), is change 2 applied?
Issue when creating a mesh from a DEM with the specification of xll_corner and yll_corner. The returns mesh does not have the same dimension as the dimension of the raster DEM.
Also need to check if the mesh is correctly updated once produced/after modifying prepro inputs i.e.;
,simu.update_prepo_inputs(chnage 2)
, is change 2 applied?Try to reproduce it with Weil et al example