Benjamin-Dobell / Heimdall

Heimdall is a cross-platform open-source tool suite used to flash firmware (aka ROMs) onto Samsung Galaxy devices.
MIT License
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Will #Vault7 permit flashing ATT Galaxy Notes? #395

Closed EvanCarroll closed 7 years ago

EvanCarroll commented 7 years ago

ATT has a lot of bootlocked phones. The Wikileaks #Vault7 release has instructions to bypass this in the Cadmium document.

Cadmium is an exploit targeting a vulnerability in the Exynos Android bootloader which enables the persistent booting of an unsigned Android boot image. This document will cover the details of the Exynos bootloader vulnerability, how Cadmium exploits this vulnerability, and how one can port Cadmium to different devices/firmwares.

Will Heimdall be able to make use of this?

Benjamin-Dobell commented 7 years ago

Short answer, no.

This sounds like a discussion for a forum, not an issue tracker.