Benjamin-Loison / DiscordChatExporter

Exports Discord chat logs to a file
MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link

Make safely faster #6

Open Benjamin-Loison opened 1 month ago

Benjamin-Loison commented 1 month ago


Not read.


CLI (Command-Line Interface)


Not read.

Export format

No response

Steps to reproduce

time ./DiscordChatExporter.Cli.exe export --channel 933841503103627316 --token XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --fuck-russia
Resolving channel(s)...
Exporting 1 channel(s)...

Text Channels / general ---------------------------------------- 100%

Successfully exported 1 channel(s).

real    3m30.811s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.000s
time ./DiscordChatExporter.Cli.exe export --channel 933841503103627316 --token XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --fuck-russia --media
Resolving channel(s)...
Exporting 1 channel(s)...

Text Channels / general ---------------------------------------- 100%

Successfully exported 1 channel(s).

real    10m32.003s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.016s
du -sh
164M    .
time ./DiscordChatExporter.Cli.exe export --channel 933841503103627316 --token XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --fuck-russia --media --reuse-media
Resolving channel(s)...
Exporting 1 channel(s)...

Text Channels / general ---------------------------------------- 100%

Successfully exported 1 channel(s).

real    5m31.120s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.000s
du -sh
166M    .
./DiscordChatExporter.Cli.exe export
Missing required option(s):
-c|--channel, -t|--token

DiscordChatExporter.Cli v2.43.3

  DiscordChatExporter.Cli export --channel <values...> --token <value> [options]

  Exports one or multiple channels.

* -c|--channel      Channel ID(s). If provided with category ID(s), all channels inside those categories will be exported.
* -t|--token        Authentication token. Environment variable: DISCORD_TOKEN.
  -o|--output       Output file or directory path. If a directory is specified, file names will be generated automatically based on the channel names and export parameters. Directory paths must end with a slash to avoid ambiguity. Supports template tokens, see the documentation for more info. Default: "C:\Users\Benjamin Loison\Desktop\bens_folder\softwares\".
  -f|--format       Export format. Choices: "PlainText", "HtmlDark", "HtmlLight", "Csv", "Json". Default: "HtmlDark".
  --after           Only include messages sent after this date or message ID.
  --before          Only include messages sent before this date or message ID.
  -p|--partition    Split the output into partitions, each limited to the specified number of messages (e.g. '100') or file size (e.g. '10mb').
  --filter          Only include messages that satisfy this filter. See the documentation for more info.
  --parallel        Limits how many channels can be exported in parallel. Default: "1".
  --markdown        Process markdown, mentions, and other special tokens. Default: "True".
  --media           Download assets referenced by the export (user avatars, attached files, embedded images, etc.).
 Default: "False".
  --reuse-media     Reuse previously downloaded assets to avoid redundant requests. Default: "False".
  --media-dir       Download assets to this directory. If not specified, the asset directory path will be derived from the output path.
  --dateformat      This option doesn't do anything. Kept for backwards compatibility. Default: "MM/dd/yyyy h:mm tt".
  --locale          Locale to use when formatting dates and numbers. If not specified, the default system locale will be used.
  --utc             Normalize all timestamps to UTC+0. Default: "False".
  --fuck-russia     Don't print the Support Ukraine message to the console. Environment variable: FUCK_RUSSIA. Default: "False".
  -b|--bot          This option doesn't do anything. Kept for backwards compatibility. Environment variable: DISCORD_TOKEN_BOT. Default: "False".
  -h|--help         Shows help text.

Related to #4.


Not read.


Benjamin-Loison commented 1 month ago

Related to Benjamin-Loison/selenium/issues/1.