Benjamin-Loison / YouTube-operational-API

YouTube operational API works when YouTube Data API v3 fails.
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Enable people to put bounties on issues #188

Open Benjamin-Loison opened 10 months ago

Benjamin-Loison commented 10 months ago

Previous title used to be: Be on BountySource

Can restrict to only me claiming the bounties?

makeasnek commented 10 months ago

Please do not use bountysource. Many devs have had trouble getting paid there. You can check out this lemmy community as an alternative

For statements from devs who have been unable to cash out from bountysource see:

Benjamin-Loison commented 10 months ago

Thank you for letting me know about BountySource mess!

Until I find a plateform to automatize the process, don't hesitate to contact me on Element or Discord if you're interested in having an issue be prioritize in return for money.