Benjamin-Loison / android_packages_apps_Etar

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Synchronization? Ideally with E2EE #10

Open Benjamin-Loison opened 5 months ago

Benjamin-Loison commented 5 months ago

Such that the server can only stop providing the signed encrypted data?

2 protocols are proposed:

Thanks to zero-knowledge end-to-end encryption, not even we can see your data.

Hosting a NextCloud instance looks exaggerated.


Should investigate Linux Mint and Ubuntu calendar synchronization possibilities as the purpose it to synchronize both.






Related to Benjamin_Loison/gnome-calendar/issues/1.

Maybe having a web interface showing the synchronized calendar would already be a good start but would like to have a possibly not synchronized offline calendar copy.

Ubuntu also proposes Ubuntu Signle Sign-On but do not have Information about GNOME Online Accounts, hence it is unclear what this additional method is for, see Benjamin_Loison/gnome-calendar/issues/3. Furthermore, it is unclear where 1206826b-47c7-4554-ade7-fdc166a5dc49 image comes from as it does not seem like Linux Mint and Ubuntu.

On both OS I do not notice any difference when open from > Online Accounts... and 📅 > Manage Calendars... > Add Calendar... > online account settings.

Benjamin-Loison commented 4 months ago

This would make me write and use some notes about my calendar events, for instance meeting URLs, see Improve_websites_thanks_to_open_source/issues/524.

Benjamin-Loison commented 4 months ago

My EteSync instance URL:

Related to Benjamin_Loison/server/issues/2.

Benjamin-Loison commented 3 months ago

Related to Benjamin_Loison/android/issues/2.