BenjaminGuinet / Viral-domestication-among-Hymenoptera

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scripts missing #1

Open swutke opened 2 months ago

swutke commented 2 months ago

Hi, first of all, thanks for providing such a detailed description of the pipeline used to estimate viral domestication. I have sequenced the genome of a sawfly (Diprion pini) and thought I check if there are traces of virus domestication in its genome. While going through your pipeline, I noticed that several python scripts mentioned in the description cannot be found on the GitHub page, namely:

as well as an R and bash script:

- Overlapping_sequences_BUSCO_Viral_loci.R

Would it be possible to provide those scripts? Best, Saskia

BenjaminGuinet commented 2 months ago

Dear Saskia, thanks for opening this issue.

I just added all these files into a directory named : Multiple_scripts

I also noticed that the file should be named instead.

swutke commented 2 months ago

Hi Benjamin, thank you! I am curious what I will find. Best, Saska