Benjol / SE-AutoReviewComments

AutoReviewComments - Pro-forma comments for SE
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Bug with welcome message and markdown #162

Open Heacien opened 5 years ago

Heacien commented 5 years ago

If the welcome message is like Welcome to **$SITENAME$**! the bold markdown prevents the parameter to get replaced.


Maybe I can solve this bug on my own - if I got some spare time left.

oliversalzburg commented 5 years ago

The majority of the work to be done is probably around

Create a fork, make your fixes in a branch, push the branch, create a pull request here and it'll probably make itself into the next release.

Benjol commented 5 years ago

It's not the bold. The Welcome message is quite simply not processed for tags. This change will be slightly complicated by the fact that you need to display the unprocessed welcome message when editing it.