Benjol / SE-AutoReviewComments

AutoReviewComments - Pro-forma comments for SE
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Auto link suddenly disappeared today from Chrome 72 #163

Closed mplungjan closed 5 years ago

mplungjan commented 5 years ago

I did not do anything like adblocking or so to change this. Just from one SO question to the next

NathanOliver1 commented 5 years ago

Same issue here. Running Chrome Version 72.0.3626.109 (Official Build) (64-bit) on Windows 10 Pro Version 1803. Comments were working yesterday but are not working today. It looks like they turned the help link in the comments to a help button so the auto link can't be inserted next to it.

mplungjan commented 5 years ago

line 842 var injectNextTo = $("#" + divid).find(".comment-help-link");

Likely should be

  var injectNextTo = $("#" + divid).find(".js-comment-help-link");


LunarWatcher commented 5 years ago

The same is also happening in Firefox 65.0.1 (64 bit) with the userscript (using Tampermonkey).

machavity commented 5 years ago

I edited my local UserScript and confirmed it works

Tyler-H commented 5 years ago

They probably adjusted the class name in one of their many daily builds...

mplungjan commented 5 years ago

How to get the change installed quickly?

machavity commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure on the Chrome extension. I use TamperMonkey with FireFox (plugin stopped working with the big Mozilla plugin update last year) so I could edit the underlying JS file directly and get it working. You could always remove the plugin, install TamperMonkey and then install the ARC userscript version, then edit it. A lot of work, though, for what will hopefully get patched quickly.

oliversalzburg commented 5 years ago

If someone could open a PR, I'd be happy to merge it and compile a new version of the script later at home.

oliversalzburg commented 5 years ago

Oh, that already happened :D

machavity commented 5 years ago

@oliversalzburg If you'll increment the version then the userscript crowd can get the update now. I know the Chrome extension will take longer

Benjol commented 5 years ago

Just released fix, v1.4.5

barmar commented 5 years ago

I still see 1.4.3 in the Chrome store. Are we waiting for Google to approve it?

makyen commented 5 years ago

@barmar The most recent information is this comment in the issue you opened, #169. As the author of that issue, you should have been notified when the comment was placed (16 hours ago). That comment says:

Corrected here, but I haven't yet uploaded the new version to the Store. Probably tomorrow.

If you want the functionality immediately, then you will need to switch to using this as a userscript. It should be noted that updates will always be faster for the userscript than for the extension, due to the additional overhead of publishing a new extension version.

barmar commented 5 years ago

You closed my issue as a duplicate, I thought further comments should be here. And I misunderstood "just released fix" as meaning that you'd uploaded it to the store (I didn't notice that the date was older than when you said "maybe tomorrow").

I'm not trying to rush you, I was just confused about the timeline.

Benjol commented 5 years ago

up now