Benny- / Yahoo-ticker-symbol-downloader

A web scraper for ticker symbols from yahoo finance
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Yahoo api update #44

Closed jharker closed 6 years ago

jharker commented 6 years ago

This pull request creates a new symbol type, "generic", and an associated downloader, that uses the Yahoo symbol search API instead of the older deprecated API.

The new Yahoo API does not support the same options as the old API -- it doesn't support filtering by market, or pagination -- and it doesn't seem to have some of the issues of the old one (e.g. being unpredictable in terms of returning blank results). It also returns different fields.

So the resulting downloader is simpler but also more inefficient, because if we get back 10 results, the only way we can try to get everything is to expand the search query by one character and run through all possibilities.

This pull request leaves the old download and symbol types in place, as I wasn't sure if there were elements of those that could/should be salvaged.