BennyHallett / obelisk

Static Site Generator written in Elixir.
MIT License
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Can I take over this repo? #51

Closed acconrad closed 5 years ago

acconrad commented 6 years ago

@BennyHallett I see from your personal website that you agree this isn't maintained anymore. It is, however, still widely used. I love using Obelisk, but it does need to be updated for newer versions of Elixir and the issue count is growing.

Since I use Obelisk for all of my personal sites, and I like the software, I'd like to ask if it would be alright if I created a fork of Obelisk and moved that over to be the official branch of the project (with your permission, of course)? I'd be happy to take over all of the issues as well.

If that's something you're okay with, let me know so I can get started on working with it. I would have emailed you but your email is difficult to track and this seemed to be the best place I could make this offer.

subsoap commented 6 years ago

You should fork it and begin to maintain on that fork for now.

acconrad commented 6 years ago

@subsoap I would but generally you have to get permission first, because places like Awesome-elixir will still point to @BennyHallett 's branch and people need to know where to go for the currently-maintained version

subsoap commented 6 years ago

You do not need permission to fork it and begin to make any necessary changes now. At the very least, you can make pull requests of your changes.

acconrad commented 6 years ago

@subsoap well my main point is under Settings you can choose Transfer ownership which is what I'm getting at - this allows me to maintain all of the same issues and helps everyone reference the same primary repo without having two fragmented branches. It just makes it cleaner and easier for everyone

subsoap commented 6 years ago

He doesn't need to transfer ownership nor should he, just add you as a collaborator here . Then you can merge your own pull requests into this repo from your fork.

acconrad commented 6 years ago

@subsoap except I don't have access to that page so I can't add myself as a collaborator, is there another alternative?

doomspork commented 6 years ago

@acconrad I might suggest you start by making improvements and opening PRs. If @BennyHallett is onboard with the direction you're taking the project there's no reason not to add you. Generally speaking though folks aren't added as contributors until they've contributed to the project.

I will say this: I've forked this project and am working on some updates, albeit slowly, to update the dependencies and improve the support for haml, slim, etc. If @BennyHallett isn't interested in them? That's okay, I'll continue to use my fork. My goal in this endeavor is to get to a point of being able to operate on Elixir and not Jekyll/Ruby.

acconrad commented 6 years ago

@doomspork yes my thought was to indeed add a bunch of PRs to fix things, but i noticed that he hasn't been approving or committing them. I may want to work on your branch since I've been doing much the same work and also trying to add in new features - and in fact I have the exact same goal as you in wanting to operate my own static sites with Elixir/Obelisk instead of Jekyll/Ruby. Do you have any interest in collaborating?

doomspork commented 6 years ago

@acconrad it does look like the maintainer commented on those PRs as to why they couldn't merge: it is due to project dependencies.

I'd more than welcome the additional help! To be honest after spending a good chunk of time digging into Obelisk and making improvements I'm not quite sure it's worth the effort anymore. Could very likely step back, rethink things, and take a different approach and end up with a more maintainable codebase with little to no dependencies.

I'm on Elixir Slack with the same handle if you wanna shoot me a message.

FreedomBen commented 6 years ago

I hope something comes of this. I'm also wanting to move from Jekyll to Obelisk, and am happy to send PRs, if they will be reviewed and merged if desired.

I like the idea of rethinking things actually. There's some things that Jekyll does that Obelisk can't do, that would be really nice. Like creating sub directories for pages so that the URL can be:

Instead of

It's a small thing, but I much prefer the URLs without extension. It makes for a consistent experience when paired with a Phoenix app, and just feels cleaner overall.

I also want to add a mix task for generating pages. At this point I'm tempted to just return to Jekyll unless things move forward here. If they do, I can help out as well.