BennyKok / comfyui-deploy

An open source `vercel` like deployment platform for Comfy UI
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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were working with VPS, need Parallelization #13

Closed jmanhype closed 5 months ago

jmanhype commented 6 months ago

would it be possible to massively parallelize this at the step-level somehow? would be interesting to run e.g. LCM video gen for 6s across 1000 machines vs 10 minutes across 1 (in theory same overall usage, modulo how models are cached)

my asnwer

Massively parallelizing a task like video generation across multiple machines is theoretically feasible and could significantly reduce total processing time. Here's how it might work:

  1. Task Splitting: The video generation task would be divided into smaller segments, each segment processed by a different machine. For a 6-second video, if each machine handles a fraction of a second, 1000 machines could process simultaneously.

  2. Infrastructure: Cloud services with auto-scaling capabilities would be ideal for spinning up multiple instances. Container orchestration systems like Kubernetes could manage the deployment and scaling of these instances.

  3. Load Balancing: A load balancer would distribute the task segments across the available machines to ensure even workload distribution.

  4. Caching Models: To optimize performance, models could be cached locally on each machine or on a fast, distributed cache that all instances can access quickly.

  5. Coordination: A master process would be necessary to coordinate the task distribution, track the progress of each segment, and assemble the final video.

  6. Networking and Bandwidth: Network bandwidth and latency need consideration, as the transfer of large datasets and models between machines can become a bottleneck.

  7. Cost Considerations: Although the overall usage might be the same, cloud providers often charge for the number of instances, data transfer, and storage, which could affect the cost.

  8. Parallelization Overhead: There's an overhead associated with parallelization (e.g., initialization, synchronization), which might not make the scaling perfectly linear.

In practice, achieving optimal parallelization requires careful planning and consideration of the bottlenecks and overheads associated with distributed computing. It's a common approach in large-scale computing tasks and is particularly relevant in fields like machine learning and data processing, where tasks can be easily parallelized and distributed across multiple computing nodes.

BennyKok commented 6 months ago
