Benoker / DockingFrames
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Externalize does not repaint frame #41

Open Sciss opened 8 years ago

Sciss commented 8 years ago

I am seeing this problem both with 1.1.1 and latest snapshot and across different JVM (OpenJDK 6, OpenJDK 7, Oracle JDK 8) and look-and-feels (Motif, Metal, Native, ...), so assume it's a bug in docking-frames. I have a very simple layout with one single and one multi dock. If I try to externalise either frame, I just get a blank rectangle, the frame is not painted (neither border decoration nor content). I have to explicitly deactivate and reactive the window and then move it to have it fully painted.

1_before_externalize 2_after_externalize 3_after_reactivating_and_resizing

Benoker commented 8 years ago

Swing is broken in Linux since about version 1.6. Not just Docking-Frames has repaint issues, any application that uses more than one frame has issues (we have a nice Swing application at my workplace that does not work properly on many different Linux computers).

Sciss commented 8 years ago

This is simply not true. I am using a great number of Swing based multi-window applications. It may be that there are bugs, but they are usually not consistent across OpenJDK 6, OpenJDK 7 and Oracle JDK 8. I am sure there are possible work-arounds. For example, is it possible to turn off the animation that creates the externalised frame?

Sciss commented 8 years ago

Making the dialog displayable by calling pack in mostly fixes this problem:

        if( undecorated ){
            dialog.setUndecorated( true );
            dialog.getRootPane().setWindowDecorationStyle( JRootPane.NONE );
            dialog.pack();  // N.B. required for Linux
Sciss commented 8 years ago

The second change necessary is calling updateBorder in the Listener in AbstractScreenDockWindow, e.g. by adding a constructor:

        private Listener() {
Benoker commented 8 years ago

pack may be a bit dangerous, that could have unwanted side effects (like the size of the dialog not being the expected size). I'll try out your fixes, I'm really curious to see if these changes help on my system too (due to having a new computer I first need to reinstall my Ubuntu... could take a while).

Sciss commented 8 years ago

I double checked that the size is not initialised at that moment. If there is doubt, one may just paste the contents of pack minus setting the size:

  Container parent = this.parent;
  if (parent != null && parent.getPeer() == null) {
  if (peer == null) {