Bentheburrito / sacastats

A stat site for Connery's SaCa outfit members. Built with Elixir and Phoenix
MIT License
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Clean Model loading #104

Closed dm0896665 closed 2 years ago

dm0896665 commented 2 years ago

Model loads after the loading spinner has been gone for a while. Make the transition smoother.

Bentheburrito commented 2 years ago

suggestion for this: maybe have another little SaCa Stats Logo spinning where the character is until it's loaded?

dm0896665 commented 2 years ago

I can, but IMO I thought that it looked smoother/ more professional to have the bootstrap spinner.

dm0896665 commented 2 years ago

I pushed an example of what it would look like with the Saca loader instead. Which do you think is better?

Bentheburrito commented 2 years ago

Hmm now that I see it I think I agree with you, the bootstrap one fits in better

dm0896665 commented 2 years ago

Okay, will revert now.