Bentheburrito / sacastats

A stat site for Connery's SaCa outfit members. Built with Elixir and Phoenix
MIT License
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Outfit Polls 2.0 #94

Open Bentheburrito opened 2 years ago

Bentheburrito commented 2 years ago



Feel free to add more features/add issues to these lists! @dm0896665

dm0896665 commented 2 years ago

I really like the pie chart idea. Some suggestions that I would add is on the results to be able to review individual results would be nice to see what description answers go with which multiple-choice choices.

The other thing that I thought would be cool is just how to display the poll creator settings. I think that it would be cool to kind of have a cog wheel in the top right that is a dropdown that will show all of these options. Then have the same thing on the results page that allows you to edit it later so you don't need to recreate the whole poll if you forgot to make it a private poll.

Multiple votes are definitely something that needs to be addressed though.