BentoBoxWorld / BSkyBlock

BSkyBlock add-on for BentoBox (Discord link:
Eclipse Public License 2.0
134 stars 52 forks source link

Empty islands are not removed/moved to trash #122

Closed Azriael2 closed 5 years ago

Azriael2 commented 5 years ago

Unowned islands are not moved to trash or deleted from server. There is also no way to delete them, only register player to it.

16:54:26 INFO]: Aktualnie: SPIGOT 1.13.2. 16:54:26 INFO: Wersja Bentobox: v1.4.0 16:54:26 INFO: Załadowane światy gry

16:54:26 INFO: Załadowane dodatki 16:54:26 INFO: Biomes 0.4.5 16:54:26 INFO: BSkyBlock 1.4.1 16:54:26 INFO: Level 1.4.0 16:54:26 INFO: WelcomeWarps 1.4.0

[16:54:49 INFO]: Plugins (53): CleanroomGenerator, ColoredSigns, MoxBlood, PlaceholderAPI, PlugMan, VoxelSniper, PetBlocks, WorldEdit, Skript, PacketListenerApi, MoxCore, skDragon, GlowAPI, SkQuery, WorldBorder, MoxTokensDatabase, ProtocolLib, MVdWPlaceholderAPI, GlobalMarket, FeatherBoard, SQLibrary, LiteJoin, skUtilities, Vault, PlayerParticles, ProtocolSupport, CommandButtons, MoxChatTitles, HolographicDisplays, TuSKe, WorldGuard, MobStacker, HolographicScoreboard, MoxPerms, Essentials, ChatInjector, MoxPlayerParticles, HeadDatabase, Citizens, BentoBox, EssentialsChat, TAB, ProtocolSupportStuff, MoxPremiumShop, CitizensCMD, skRayFall, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsSpawn, MorkazSk, Multiverse-Core, BossShopPro, ItemShops, CraftBook

tastybento commented 5 years ago

In your case, how do islands become empty/unowned?

If a player does a reset or joins a team, the island should be deleted completely. If the island is just sitting there, for example, from a previous game, then it becomes part of the world (it might be a spawn location for example) and yes, there's currently no delete command to remove the blocks.

Azriael2 commented 5 years ago

I guess it's second case then. I had to remove BSkyBlock DB few times, maybe that happened. Thanks and sorry for taking your time.