BentoBoxWorld / Limits

Limits blocks and entities on islands - for BentoBox
Eclipse Public License 2.0
8 stars 17 forks source link

Unlimited Spawner Limits #139

Open LoneDevilX opened 2 years ago

LoneDevilX commented 2 years ago

Expected behavior

If my bskyblock island limits set to limited 5 spawner to a island and using Wildstacker as my spawner stacker, 1 spawner stacked limit = 200,

then, the expected behavior: the one island spawner should be maximum 5x200 = 1000 spawners in an island

Observed/Actual behavior

Same as the assumption above,

However player can break 1 spawner, and place 10x Spawner -> ignore island limits, and unlimited placing the spawners.

Steps/models to reproduce

  1. Place 10x spawner = 1 spawner in island limits
  2. Break 1x spawner = -1 spawner in island limits

You may look at 2 of the videos below:


BentoBox version

14.08 16:44:17 [Server] INFO Running PAPER 1.17.1.
14.08 16:44:17 [Server] INFO BentoBox version: 1.17.2
14.08 16:44:17 [Server] INFO Database: JSON
14.08 16:44:17 [Server] INFO Loaded Game Worlds:
14.08 16:44:17 [Server] INFO bskyblock_world (Skyblock): Overworld, Nether, The End
14.08 16:44:17 [Server] INFO Loaded Addons:
14.08 16:44:17 [Server] INFO Biomes 1.14.0 (ENABLED)
14.08 16:44:17 [Server] INFO Border 3.2.0 (DISABLED)
14.08 16:44:17 [Server] INFO BSkyBlock 1.15.1 (ENABLED)
14.08 16:44:17 [Server] INFO Challenges 0.8.4 (ENABLED)
14.08 16:44:17 [Server] INFO Chat 1.1.4 (ENABLED)
14.08 16:44:17 [Server] INFO ControlPanel 1.13.0 (ENABLED)
14.08 16:44:17 [Server] INFO DimensionalTrees 1.6.0 (ENABLED)
14.08 16:44:17 [Server] INFO Level 2.7.0 (ENABLED)
14.08 16:44:17 [Server] INFO Likes 2.1.1 (ENABLED)
14.08 16:44:17 [Server] INFO Limits 1.17.1 (ENABLED)
14.08 16:44:17 [Server] INFO MagicCobblestoneGenerator 2.3.0 (ENABLED)
14.08 16:44:19 [Server] INFO Warps 1.10.2 (ENABLED)

Plugin list

No response


WildStacker version: WildStacker-b178.jar Server version: Paper version git-Paper-170 (MC: 1.17.1) (Implementing API version 1.17.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)

tastybento commented 2 years ago

In summary, from the videos it looks like Limits is not able to limit WildStacker spawner placement because it can place 10 at a time even if the limit is 5. I'm not sure how to handle these stacker plugins. It will require a lot of custom code for each one, so for now I just have to say that Limits cannot prevent WildStacker spawner placement. Sorry.

BONNe commented 2 years ago

Tasty, i would say it should prevent from placing these 10. But in general, i agree. If you use stacking plugin, limits does not make a sense.

As should it count each stacked block as one or multiple instances?

If it counts every instance then what is a point to use stacking plugin? If you limit it as one, well it would make sense for logic, but how to explain it to the end users?