BentoBoxWorld / Limits

Limits blocks and entities on islands - for BentoBox
Eclipse Public License 2.0
8 stars 17 forks source link

Limits not working, might have to do with #147 #148

Closed Jcodeerd closed 1 year ago

Jcodeerd commented 2 years ago

Expected behavior

that there are island limits

Observed/Actual behavior

no island limits

Steps/models to reproduce

install limits give ranks via luckperms the permission "aoneblock.limit.hopper."

BentoBox version

10.10 13:22:55 [Server] INFO Running AIRPLANE 1.17.1. 10.10 13:22:55 [Server] INFO BentoBox version: 1.17.2 10.10 13:22:55 [Server] INFO Database: JSON 10.10 13:22:55 [Server] INFO Loaded Game Worlds: 10.10 13:22:55 [Server] INFO oneblock_world (OneBlock): Overworld, Nether 10.10 13:22:55 [Server] INFO Loaded Addons: 10.10 13:22:55 [Server] INFO AOneBlock 1.9.0-SNAPSHOT-b220 (ENABLED) 10.10 13:22:55 [Server] INFO Border 3.2.0 (ENABLED) 10.10 13:22:55 [Server] INFO ControlPanel 1.13.0 (ENABLED) 10.10 13:22:55 [Server] INFO Level 2.7.2 (ENABLED) 10.10 13:22:55 [Server] INFO Limits 1.17.2 (ENABLED) 10.10 13:22:55 [Server] INFO Visit 1.4.0 (ENABLED) 10.10 13:22:55 [Server] INFO Warps 1.11.1 (ENABLED)

Plugin list

AdvancedBan, AntiAFK, AntiDonkeyDupe, AuctionHouse, BanAnnouncer, BentoBox, BuycraftX, ChunkHopper, Citizens, ClicksPerSecond, CombatLogX, CommandCooldown, CoreProtect, CrateReloaded, DeluxeAnnounce, DeluxeTags, DiscordSRV, dynmap, EconomyShopGUI, EnderVaults, EpicGuard, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsSpawn, GCore, GSit, Harbor, HeadDB, HolographicDisplays, IllegalStack, InventoryRollback, Item2Chat, JoinCommands, LPC, LuckPerms, MyCommand, NexEngine, PlaceholderAPI, PlugMan, ProtocolLib, QuickShop, Scoreboard-revision, Sellwand, SilkSpawners, SirBlobmanCore (SirBlobmanAPI, XSeries), spark, Spicord, StaffChat, STN-Studios-API, SuperVanish, TAB, Tamablefoxes, TCPShield, TempFly, TradeSystem, UltimateAutoRestart, Vault, ViaBackwards, ViaRewind, ViaVersion, Votifier, VotingPlugin, WorldBorderAPI, WorldEdit, WorldGuard


No response

FrontierPixelmon commented 2 years ago

I think you just gave the wrong permission node??

install limits give ranks via luckperms the permission "aoneblock.limit.hopper."

should be: aoneblock.island.limit.hopper.#

FrontierPixelmon commented 2 years ago

I found that limits doesn’t work with the Upgrades addon atm, that is why I was having that issue

Jcodeerd commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I made a typo I gave image but /is limits or so doesnt do anything too

FrontierPixelmon commented 2 years ago

Gotcha, then what I would do is go look at my ticket and follow what he had me do, create a brand new server with only luckperms and bento box with the addon limits. If it works then add each addon in one by one to see if one of them makes it stop working