BentoBoxWorld / Limits

Limits blocks and entities on islands - for BentoBox
Eclipse Public License 2.0
8 stars 17 forks source link

Redstone not able to be limited with Limiter Addon #187

Open koinkk opened 1 month ago

koinkk commented 1 month ago

Expected behavior

The ability for redstone to be limited with the Limiter Addon

Observed/Actual behavior

Nothing happening, while it works for almost everything else

Steps/models to reproduce

We have tried REDSTONE, REDSTONE_DUST, and REDSTONE_WIRE in the limit section of the plugin.

BentoBox version


Plugin list

AdvancedGift, AuctionHouse, AuraSkills, BentoBox, BentoBox-Bank, BentoBox-BSkyBlock, BentoBox-Challenges, BentoBox-CheckMeOut, BentoBox-Level, BentoBox-Likes [07.05 17:03:19] [Server] [INFO] BentoBox-Limits, BentoBox-MagicCobblestoneGenerator, BentoBox-Visit, BentoBox-Warps, BetterFarming, BisectHosting, BlueSlimeCore, BuycraftX, ChatGames, *ChatInjector [07.05 17:03:19] [Server] [INFO] Citizens, ClearLag, CombatLogX, CoreProtect, CrazyEnvoys, CustomCommands, CustomDrops, CustomVoting, DailyRewards, DecentHolograms [07.05 17:03:19] [Server] [INFO] DeluxeMenus, DeluxeTags, DeluxeWithdraw, DeluxeWithdrawEXPAddon, DeluxeWithdrawPlayerPointsAddon, DeluxeWithdrawVaultAddon, DisableSignEdit, EnchantGui, Essentials, EssentialsKitGUI [07.05 17:03:19] [Server] [INFO] ExcellentCrates, EzChestShop, EZColors, GapCooldown, GCore, HexNicks, InfiniteLavaBucket, InfiniteWaterBucket, InsaneAnnouncer, InteractiveChat [07.05 17:03:19] [Server] [INFO] InventoryRollbackPlus, ItemKillCounter, LiteBans, LuckPerms, MCPets, ModelEngine, Multiverse-Core, MythicAnnouncer, MythicMobs, NexEngine [07.05 17:03:19] [Server] [INFO] nightcore, OldCombatMechanics, OpenInv, Oraxen, PlaceholderAPI, PlayerPoints, PlayerVaults, ProtocolLib, Referral, RewardsLite [07.05 17:03:19] [Server] [INFO] Sellwand, ServerTutorialPlus, SimpleScore, spark, SuperVanish, SupremeChat, TAB, TradeSystem, UltimateAutoRestart, UltimateKoth [07.05 17:03:19] [Server] [INFO] UltraRepair, UpgradeableHoppers, Vault, Vegas, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion, visual-crafting, VoidGen, Votifier, Vouchers [07.05 17:03:19] [Server] [INFO] Vulcan, WildChests, WildLoaders, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, WorldGuardExtraFlags


No response

tastybento commented 1 month ago

Hmm, seems to work for me. You have to use REDSTONE_WIRE:

# General block limiting
# Use this section to limit how many blocks can be added to an island.
# 0 means the item will be blocked from placement completely.
# These limits apply to every game mode world
  HOPPER: 10
Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 9 06 29 PM Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 9 05 53 PM

Are you sure you're not Op or something that can bypass limits?