BentoBoxWorld / Limits

Limits blocks and entities on islands - for BentoBox
Eclipse Public License 2.0
8 stars 17 forks source link

Unable to restrict items #194

Closed mjiangmc closed 3 months ago

mjiangmc commented 3 months ago

Expected behavior

Can limit the number of items

Observed/Actual behavior

Not restricted: QQ20240813-032956 QQ20240813-033042

Steps/models to reproduce

QQ20240813-032956 File:

# Game Modes covered by limits
- AcidIsland
- BSkyBlock
- CaveBlock

# Ignore this island's center block. For most worlds, this is bedrock, but for AOneBlock it is
# the magic block, so ignoring it from limits makes sense.
ignore-center-block: true

# Permissions
# Island owners can be given permissions that override all general settings
# Format is GAME-MODE-NAME.island.limit.MATERIAL.LIMIT
# example: bskyblock.island.limit.hopper.10
# permission activates when player logs in.
# Cooldown for player recount command in seconds
cooldown: 120

# Use async checks for snowmen and iron golums. Set to false if you see problems.
async-golums: true

# General block limiting
# Use this section to limit how many blocks can be added to an island.
# 0 means the item will be blocked from placement completely.
# These limits apply to every game mode world
  HOPPER: 50 #漏斗
  CHEST: 150 #箱子
  PLAYER_HEAD: 200 #玩家头颅
  OBSERVER: 30 #观察者
  REPEATER: 30 #红石中续器
  COMPARATOR: 30 #红石比较器
  DISPENSER: 50 #发射器
  FURNACE: 50 #熔炉
  SMOAKER: 30 #烟熏炉
# This section is for world-specific limits and overrides the general limit
# Specify each world you want to limit individually (including nether and end worlds)
# If these worlds are not covered by the game modes above, nothing will happen
    HOPPER: 11

# Default entity limits within a player's island space (protected area and to island limit).
# A limit of 5 will allow up to 5 entities in over world, 5 in nether and 5 in the end.
# Affects all types of creature spawning. Also includes entities like MINECARTS.
# Note: Only the first 49 limited blocks and entities are shown in the limits GUI.
  ENDERMAN: 25 #末影人
  WITCH: 25 #女巫
  HORSE: 30 #马
  VILLAGER: 60 #村民
  ITEM: 100 #掉落物
  WOLF: 25 #狼
  SLIME: 25 #史莱姆
  WITHER: 3 #凋零
  TNT: 30 #炸药
  ZOMBIE: 25 #僵尸
  SPIDER: 25 #蜘蛛
  CHICKEN: 40 #鸡
  COW: 40 #牛
  PIG: 40 #猪
  WOLF: 30 #狼
  SKELETON: 25 #骷髅
  CREEPER: 25 #苦力怕

BentoBox version

bbox version 03:33:39 INFO: 运行在: PAPER 1.21.1.

03:33:39 INFO: BentoBox版本: 2.5.0 03:33:39 INFO: 数据库类型: JSON

03:33:39 INFO: bskyblock_world (BSkyBlock): 主世界, 下界, 末地

03:33:39 INFO: Bank 1.8.0-SNAPSHOT-b94 (ENABLED) 03:33:39 INFO: Biomes 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT-b268 (ENABLED) 03:33:39 INFO: Border 4.3.1-SNAPSHOT-b208 (ENABLED) 03:33:39 INFO: BSkyBlock 1.18.0 (ENABLED) 03:33:39 INFO: CauldronWitchery 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT-#64 (ENABLED) 03:33:39 INFO: Challenges 1.3.2-SNAPSHOT-b555 (ENABLED) 03:33:39 INFO: Chat 1.2.1-SNAPSHOT-b69 (ENABLED) 03:33:39 INFO: CheckMeOut 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT-b97 (ENABLED) 03:33:39 INFO: ControlPanel 1.13.1 (ENABLED) 03:33:39 INFO: DimensionalTrees 1.7.0 (ENABLED) 03:33:39 INFO: ExtraMobs 1.13 (ENABLED) 03:33:39 INFO: Greenhouses 1.8.0-SNAPSHOT-b372 (ENABLED) 03:33:39 INFO: IslandFly 1.12.0 (ENABLED) 03:33:39 INFO: Level 2.15.0-SNAPSHOT-b586 (ENABLED) 03:33:39 INFO: Likes 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT-b106 (ENABLED) 03:33:39 INFO: Limits 1.22.0 (ENABLED) 03:33:39 INFO: MagicCobblestoneGenerator 2.5.2-SNAPSHOT-b278 (ENABLED) 03:33:39 INFO: TwerkingForTrees 1.5.2 (ENABLED) 03:33:39 INFO: Visit 1.7.0-SNAPSHOT (ENABLED) 03:33:39 INFO: VoidPortals (ENABLED) 03:33:39 INFO: Warps 1.15.1-SNAPSHOT-b368 (ENABLED)

Plugin list

pl [03:33:54 INFO]: Paper Plugins: (0): [03:33:54 INFO]: Bukkit Plugins: (62): [03:33:54 INFO]: - AuraSkills, BanItem, BentoBox, BentoBox-Bank, BentoBox-Biomes, BentoBox-BSkyBlock, BentoBox-CauldronWitchery, BentoBox-Challenges, BentoBox-CheckMeOut, BentoBox-Greenhouses [03:33:54 INFO]: BentoBox-IslandFly, BentoBox-Level, BentoBox-Likes, BentoBox-Limits, BentoBox-MagicCobblestoneGenerator, BentoBox-Visit, BentoBox-Warps, Citizens, CitizensCMD, CMILib [03:33:54 INFO]: CommandPanels, CommandTimer, CommandWhitelist, CrazyAuctionsPlus, Cultivation, CustomJoinItems, DecentHolograms, DynaTech, eBackup, ElectricSpawners [03:33:54 INFO]: ExoticGarden, floodgate, FNAmplifications, GrimAC, GuguSlimefunLib, GuizhanLibPlugin, InteractiveChat, InventoryRollbackPlus, LiteBans, LuckPerms [03:33:54 INFO]: OpenInv, PlaceholderAPI, PlayerPoints, PlayerTitle, PlugManX, ProtocolLib, QuickShop-Hikari, Residence, Slimefun, SlimeGlue [03:33:54 INFO]: SlimyTreeTaps, StopJoinMessage, *Stp, TAB, TigerReports, Vault, ViaBackwards, ViaRewind, ViaVersion, WkKit [03:33:54 INFO]: WorldEdit, XConomy


ver [03:34:07 INFO]: Checking version, please wait... [03:34:08 INFO]: This server is running Leaf version 1.21.1-DEV-ver/1.21.1@ddf3df8 (2024-08-11T15:12:21Z) (Implementing API version 1.21.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)

  • You are running the latest version Previous: 1.21-DEV-5692cf0 (MC: 1.21)
tastybento commented 3 months ago

I'm confused - which block is not restricted? The GUI just shows "Item".

Also, this is not a block:

SMOAKER: 30 #烟熏炉

it would be:

SMOKER: 30 #烟熏炉
mjiangmc commented 3 months ago

I'm confused - which block is not restricted? The GUI just shows "Item".

Also, this is not a block:

SMOAKER: 30 #烟熏炉

it would be:

SMOKER: 30 #烟熏炉

Item There are no correct restrictions

  ITEM: 100
tastybento commented 3 months ago

Item There are no correct restrictions

  ITEM: 100

That is not supported, sorry. Only living entities are prevented from being spawned.