Beosti / souls-awakening

A minecraft mod based on the bleach mod
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Bakudo Teacher #12

Closed Beosti closed 1 month ago

Beosti commented 1 month ago

Bakudo Teacher

General Information

The Hado sub-genre of kido #9 has already gotten a teacher #5 , so it is normal for the Bakudo path to also get a teacher that takes care of those things


Restrain him!

Quest start

The player gets the teleport positions of the teacher. Also can use the sai incantation.


The player has to use the incantation successfully on 5 different entities

Quest Reward

You can use Sai without Incantation

Get lasso'd ol' boy

Quest start

Player gets nothing


Player has to use sai once on an entity while it is rope'd

Quest reward

You get the incantation and can cast the spell of hainawa

Get knocked back, scrub

Quest start



Use your shield 10 times against a physical attack without moving

Quest Reward

You get the spell "seki" and it's incantation

DanielWaeraasUran commented 1 month ago

Just like with hado there should be a higher level bakudo trainer (bakudo master fr fr) which teaches you the highest level bakudo spells, like the one he used to seal Aizen

Beosti commented 1 month ago

Did everything.