Beosti / souls-awakening

A minecraft mod based on the bleach mod
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Cero Variants #17

Open DanielWaeraasUran opened 1 month ago

DanielWaeraasUran commented 1 month ago

Cero variants

Cero Córnea

Special cero variant which originates in the eyes, while using it the player's vision will turn the same colour as their normal cero, entities will be their usual colour, and the skill can be upgraded to highlight entities, even through walls within a certain distance. This move will

Damage - Low to moderate (moderate at maximum charge)

Range - Mid range

Charge time - 1 second for minimum charge, 5 seconds for maximum. (Can be held for up to 10)

Size - Extremely small

Cooldown - moderate to long (30-60 seconds)

Cero Doble

Ability which allows the user to absorb the next cero which hits them and reflect it back with the strength of their own cero added to it. Can either have a time limit or be permanent after activation until the next cero hits the user. If the user tries to reflect the cero of an enemy much stronger than themselves they will be unable to reflect the cero.

Damage - Varies, damage of enemy cero + user cero (Only enemy cero at lower levels of the skill)

Range - Average cero length

Charge time - Instant to trigger the ability, 6 to 2 seconds after the cero has been absorbed to fire it back out (depending on the level of the skill and how close the enemy is in strength to you, weaker ceros will be reflected faster)

Size - Size of your normal cero divided by 2 + size of enemy cero

Cooldown - Long to very long (60-120 seconds)

Cero Blade/Slash

A variant of cero where the user charges up their cero from the blade, being able to store it for a critical strike or release it as a wide crescent shaped cero.

Damage - High

Range - Moderate to High

Charge time - 2 seconds to get to base stats, 5 or more seconds to get to max damage and size

Size - Medium to large depending on charge time, way wider than tall

Cooldown - Medium long (I have no idea anymore)