Beosti / souls-awakening

A minecraft mod based on the bleach mod
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Blade breaking system #25

Open necrozmaze opened 4 weeks ago

necrozmaze commented 4 weeks ago

You could block with your zanpakuto like a shield, but you would have a "posture" bar which would basically be a dynamic durability bar. -If it gets completely depleted, your blade breaks

-It would get lowered from attacks hitting your block

-It would regen while not blocking, would be fast enough (and big enough) so that it wouldn't really happen unless you're getting fought by someone way stronger or holding block for a very long time

-If your regular zanpakuto's blade is broken, you could regenerate it at the cost of a bit of hunger (not sure about those regen thing), or wait for it to happen naturally

-If your shikai's blade is broken, you could regenerate it at the cost of health (not sure about those regen thing), or it could happen naturally

-If your bankai's blade is broken, you would have to do the squad 0 questline to get it back (bankai should prob be harder to break than the other 2)

-If your true bankai/buffed bankai's blade is broken you would have to wait for it to regen