BepInEx / BepInEx.AssemblyPublicizer

MIT License
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Having problems when using in a workflow #11

Closed jpw1991 closed 6 months ago

jpw1991 commented 7 months ago

Hello there,

I've used this tool for a long time and it works great. But I'm getting some issues trying to use it in workflows:

  1. I had to change/fix a condition like this. Someone else also encountered this earlier (discord link here)
  2. I have a problem where it doesn't seem to be publicizing here

Any idea what's wrong in the workflow?

Thank you

jpw1991 commented 7 months ago

I was able to get it to work by manually publicizing like this:

      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
          mkdir packages
          dotnet restore
          nuget restore -PackagesDirectory packages ${{}}/packages.config
          dotnet tool restore
          # uncomment below and remove "Manually publicize" step once this is resolved:
          #dotnet build --configuration Release --no-restore

      - name: Manually publicize and build
        run: |
          # as described above in "Install dependencies": remove entire step once that issue is resolved
          dotnet tool install -g BepInEx.AssemblyPublicizer.Cli
          assembly-publicizer --overwrite ${{env.valheiminstalldir}}/valheim_Data/Managed/assembly_valheim.dll
          dotnet build --configuration Release --no-restore

Working workflow here, but I'd still like help getting the dynamic publicization to work in my workflow instead.

js6pak commented 7 months ago

The legacy csproj format is very much not supported by us, and you should look into migrating to the modern SDK-style.

jpw1991 commented 7 months ago

Ok thank you, I'll look into that