I could not find the exact version match for the following libraries on nuget so I just included them in the allowed assembly name list, please let me know if I need to make any adjustments:
I also included mscorlib since the version in the managed folder is the net20 version where as the game is net35. I don't know if this is correct though?
Also the UnityEngine assembly is available through the bepinex repository by including UnityEngine.Modules v5.6.4 for net35 however you have to only include the compile assets, for ease of use I chose to add it to the Allowed assembly names anyhow.
Please let me know what changes I need to use to have this approved? :)
Game name
Worlds Adrift
Request type
Adding a new game to the feed
Target frameworks, package dependencies
Allowed assembly names
Contact details
Discord: MMjr#0254
Additional information
I could not find the exact version match for the following libraries on nuget so I just included them in the allowed assembly name list, please let me know if I need to make any adjustments:
I also included mscorlib since the version in the managed folder is the net20 version where as the game is net35. I don't know if this is correct though?
Also the UnityEngine assembly is available through the bepinex repository by including UnityEngine.Modules v5.6.4 for net35 however you have to only include the compile assets, for ease of use I chose to add it to the Allowed assembly names anyhow.
Please let me know what changes I need to use to have this approved? :)
Package ownership agreement