BepInEx / BepInEx.NuGetUpload.Service

Web service for uploading game assemblies to BepInEx NuGet
MIT License
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Add Lethal Company #48

Open zatrit opened 7 months ago

zatrit commented 7 months ago

Game name

Lethal Company

Request type

Adding a new game to the feed

Target frameworks, package dependencies

Allowed assembly names

AmazingAssets.TerrainToMesh Assembly-CSharp Assembly-CSharp-firstpass ClientNetworkTransform DissonanceVoip Facepunch.Steamworks.Win64 Facepunch Transport for Netcode for GameObjects Newtonsoft.Json UnityEngine.UI Unity.*

Contact details

Discord: @zatrit

Additional information

No response

Package ownership agreement

Lordfirespeed commented 7 months ago

I think Mono.Security is also one of the assemblies, but I'm not 100% sure whether that's one that needs to be in the NuGet package.

Also, I believe the target frameworks should be:

- `netstandard21`
  - `Newtonsoft.JSON`, `13.0.0`
  - `UnityEngine.Modules`, `2022.3.9`
- `net48`
  - `Newtonsoft.JSON`, `13.0.0`
  - `UnityEngine.Modules`, `2022.3.9`

Notably, Lethal Company uses Newtonsoft.JSON = 13.0.0 image

zatrit commented 7 months ago

There's no version of Newtonsoft.Json 13.0.0 in the official Nuget repository, so I specified it in the assembly names. I also added net48 as the target framework. I didn't include Mono.Security as it was not specified in some of other requests, so it is not a necessary file.