BepInEx / HarmonyX

Harmony built on top of MonoMod.RuntimeDetours with additional features
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Update MonoMod to 25.0.0, add Harmony 2.3 features #79

Closed Windows10CE closed 6 months ago

ManlyMarco commented 1 year ago

Also, cd0a86b16f347c9fc13dc96345efb50d3bb234b1 is already merged into master as 4e71dc4f483a8432b001b34e0d2ba7faf47d59b1 so it's not necessary.

ManlyMarco commented 10 months ago

@Windows10CE I didn't merge this PR yet because it still breaks current BepInEx releases.

ManlyMarco commented 10 months ago

I attempted to make BepInEx5 load with this version of HarmonyX but it just hard crashes Unity after I managed to get rid of all the compilation errors There's also some APIs straight up missing now, like DynDllImportAttribute.

If you (or anyone else) could made a PR for BepInEx to make it work with this PR without regressions then I would be able to merge both.

Edit: Looks like v2.10 also broke BepInEx5 but only in Unity 5.x games with a preloader crash but it did work in later versions.

nike4613 commented 10 months ago

This build doesn't work on BepInEx 5.4.21, preloader fails with

System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 0100001b (from typeref, class/assembly MonoMod.Utils.Platform, MonoMod.Utils, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)
  at BepInEx.Preloader.PreloaderRunner.PreloaderPreMain () [0x00000] in <fc9d7fbc6dcb44cf87be11d8d92ae161>:0

Looing at this again because somebody else pointed me at it... This looks like the wrong version of Utils. Are you sure you had Reorg's Utils (25.0.0) available to the game?

kohanis commented 6 months ago

From what I've checked: GetExecutingAssembly fix does not work as intended (what's it even for, tho?) MonoMod.RuntimeDetour 25.x.x is really broken on net3.5 MonoMod.RuntimeDetour 25.x.x Hook does not work on mono

Tests on net3.5 only pass because forward to latest version 4.5+ fm

nike4613 commented 6 months ago

25 should work on .NET 3.5, unless I broke it recently. Mono I'm less sure of, if you can get a testable repro, I can probably fix it pretty quickly.

kohanis commented 6 months ago


nike4613 commented 6 months ago

The EvenMoreFakeRandom issue is simply inlining related (.NET 6 and newer don't have an issue in this test because the calling method is not tiered up, so is not compiled with opts), but you're right, .NET 3.5 got broken somewhere along the line. Opened a tracking issue

ManlyMarco commented 6 months ago

I'll wait and see what happens then. if the fix is going to take a long time I can revert this PR.

ManlyMarco commented 6 months ago

@nike4613 Any updates? If it looks like the fix is going to take time I'll revert this PR so that others can get merged.

nike4613 commented 6 months ago

I haven't been working on it much. I'll see what I can figure out today though.

Meivyn commented 6 months ago

If someone is willing to try this:

I am unsure what this Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly fix is meant for. But since NativeHook implementation doesn't seem to support that, I replaced it with a Core detour that should fix the Unity crash resulting from its use.

nike4613 commented 6 months ago

.NET 3.5 is fixed in the reorganize branch now. I've been talking to @Meivyn, and I believe that the reported Mono issues were in fact issues with the implementation in HarmonyX (using NativeHook for detouring a managed method).

kohanis commented 6 months ago

Yes, in my local repo I used detour to fix it. But I also don't understand what fix is even for, because it basically does nothing

nike4613 commented 6 months ago

Uploaded RuntimeDetour 25.1.0-prerelease.2 with the above fix in it.

ManlyMarco commented 6 months ago

@kohanis @Meivyn Can you check if the PR above fixes .Net 3.5 support for you?

Meivyn commented 6 months ago

It fixed .NET 3.5 support from what I could see with the repro case, but it still fails with Mono. More precisely, I found out that it doesn't seem to like the return 0 in the EvenMoreFakeRandom method specifically in release build. Having an empty body with just return seems to cause the same behavior.

I do not have a game that makes use of net35 though, so I can't test on it, and I can't tell how that new bug will affect Harmony. I don't think it would though, considering that this seems rather... specific. And likely relevant to the method's body length, according to @nike4613.

kohanis commented 6 months ago

Original test case works fine on my side with both mono 6.12(+unity mono from 2022.3.9f1) and .net framework 3.5, MonoTest one was originally wrong usage. @Meivyn Which mono version fails EvenMoreFakeRandom hook?

Meivyn commented 6 months ago

I used the one in Unity 2019.4.28f1. I think it's 5.11?

kohanis commented 6 months ago

Ok, my bad, there is such a thing with short bodies with unity mono (original mono works). But I'm not so optimistic about the rarity of cases Also, found hard crash with mono <=5.4.1 and a case of NotImplementedException in unity 2017 and 5.2.0 mono, will report it later (I love NotImplementedException in production btw) // In short: still problems with unity <=2017

kohanis commented 6 months ago

ManlyMarco commented 6 months ago

Thanks, I'll wait for those to be resolved then.

(I love NotImplementedException in production btw)

I think it sums Unity up pretty well :)

Meivyn commented 5 months ago

Reverse patches seem to be broken somehow. This patch is failing on Harmony 2.11.0, and works fine on 2.10.2:

It throws the exception.

ManlyMarco commented 5 months ago

Reverse patches seem to be broken somehow. This patch is failing on Harmony 2.11.0, and works fine on 2.10.2:

It throws the exception.

Details? Maybe it adds IL now?

Meivyn commented 5 months ago

Problem is that I don't have more details. There's no error nor anything in Harmony logs that could help me figure it out. I'm not familiar with reverse patches, but that NotImplementedException at that line is now thrown, and it was not before the update.

Meivyn commented 4 months ago

Why this was released without a prior fix of Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly? And no one was able to look into the reverse patches issue?

ManlyMarco commented 4 months ago

Reverse patchers appear to work fine so we'd need an exact setup to reproduce the issue.

Meivyn commented 4 months ago

Actually the issue might've been caused by my attempt at fixing the Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly hook? BSIPA isn't able to launch without a fix for that, Unity just hard crashes, so it's hard to tell as I can't try without it. I don't know how reverse patches work, it might depend on that.

Here is my attempt at fixing it again, if you don't mind trying:

I did try to make a test case, my patch looks like this:

[HarmonyPatch(typeof(MainMenuViewController), "HandleMenuButton")]
internal class Patch
    private static void ReversePatch(MainMenuViewController.MenuButton menuButton)
        throw new NotImplementedException("Reverse patch has not been executed.");

        IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> Transpiler(IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions)
            return instructions;

And it throws this when applying the patch, so I can't go further:

HarmonyLib.HarmonyException: IL Compile Error (unknown location) ---> System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
  at Mono.Collections.Generic.Collection`1[T].get_Item (System.Int32 index) [0x00009] in <1f38765308444399b8db490e5065ff6f>:0
  at MonoMod.Utils.Cil.CecilILGenerator._EmitInlineVar (Mono.Cecil.Cil.OpCode opcode, System.Int32 index) [0x0004c] in <119a8e5581064dd58d95959152c2aa57>:0
  at MonoMod.Utils.Cil.CecilILGenerator.Emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode opcode, System.Byte arg) [0x0001d] in <119a8e5581064dd58d95959152c2aa57>:0
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition.EmitOpcodeWithOperand(MonoMod.Utils.Cil.CecilILGenerator,System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode,object)
  at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.Action`3[MonoMod.Utils.Cil.CecilILGenerator,System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode,System.Object].invoke_void_T1_T2_T3(MonoMod.Utils.Cil.CecilILGenerator,System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode,object)
  at HarmonyLib.Internal.Util.EmitterExtensions.Emit (MonoMod.Utils.Cil.CecilILGenerator il, System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode opcode, System.Object operand) [0x00000] in <0d9c13022e544ce89c806f0f14d8e072>:0
  at HarmonyLib.Internal.Patching.ILManipulator.WriteTo (Mono.Cecil.Cil.MethodBody body, System.Reflection.MethodBase original) [0x0017a] in <0d9c13022e544ce89c806f0f14d8e072>:0
  at HarmonyLib.PatchFunctions+<>c__DisplayClass3_0.<ReversePatch>b__1 (MonoMod.Cil.ILContext ctx) [0x0016f] in <0d9c13022e544ce89c806f0f14d8e072>:0
  at MonoMod.Cil.ILContext.Invoke (MonoMod.Cil.ILContext+Manipulator manip) [0x00092] in <119a8e5581064dd58d95959152c2aa57>:0
  at MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.DetourManager+ManagedDetourState.InvokeManipulator (MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.DetourManager+ILHookEntry entry, Mono.Cecil.MethodDefinition def) [0x0001c] in <667886c0b83048cbaa73a76b37c17c40>:0
  at MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.DetourManager+ManagedDetourState.UpdateEndOfChain () [0x0008b] in <667886c0b83048cbaa73a76b37c17c40>:0
  at MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.DetourManager+ManagedDetourState.AddILHook (MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.DetourManager+SingleILHookState ilhook, System.Boolean takeLock) [0x00079] in <667886c0b83048cbaa73a76b37c17c40>:0
  at MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.ILHook.Apply () [0x00052] in <667886c0b83048cbaa73a76b37c17c40>:0
  at HarmonyLib.PatchFunctions.ReversePatch (HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod standin, System.Reflection.MethodBase original, System.Reflection.MethodInfo postTranspiler, System.Reflection.MethodInfo postManipulator) [0x0016e] in <0d9c13022e544ce89c806f0f14d8e072>:0
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.ReportException (System.Exception exception, System.Reflection.MethodBase original) [0x00045] in <0d9c13022e544ce89c806f0f14d8e072>:0
  at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.Patch () [0x00095] in <0d9c13022e544ce89c806f0f14d8e072>:0
  at HarmonyLib.Harmony.<PatchAll>b__11_0 (System.Type type) [0x00007] in <0d9c13022e544ce89c806f0f14d8e072>:0
  at HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions.Do[T] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] sequence, System.Action`1[T] action) [0x00014] in <0d9c13022e544ce89c806f0f14d8e072>:0
  at HarmonyLib.Harmony.PatchAll (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x00006] in <0d9c13022e544ce89c806f0f14d8e072>:0
  at HarmonyLib.Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly, System.String harmonyInstanceId) [0x0006a] in <0d9c13022e544ce89c806f0f14d8e072>:0
  at BSPlugin5.Plugin..ctor (IPA.Logging.Logger logger, IPA.Loader.PluginMetadata metadata) [0x0000c] in C:\Users\Meivyn\RiderProjects\BSPlugin5\BSPlugin5\Plugin.cs:22
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) System.Object.lambda_method(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure,IPA.Loader.PluginMetadata)
  at IPA.Loader.PluginExecutor.Create () [0x00009] in C:\Users\Meivyn\repos\BeatSaber-IPA-Reloaded\IPA.Loader\Loader\PluginExecutor.cs:57
  at IPA.Loader.PluginLoader.InitPlugin (IPA.Loader.PluginMetadata meta, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] alreadyLoaded) [0x001ec] in C:\Users\Meivyn\repos\BeatSaber-IPA-Reloaded\IPA.Loader\Loader\PluginLoader.cs:957