Bergrebell / CyberCoach

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UI: Detail-View Sport Session #66

Closed wanze closed 9 years ago

wanze commented 9 years ago

Here's an example how the running would look like atm, just as template. What do you think? If okay, I would factor out all the common stuff into partials, so they can be reused for the views of boxing

bildschirmfoto 2014-11-19 um 00 32 18

lexruee commented 9 years ago

@wanze awesome!

svetakrasikova commented 9 years ago

Very nice! I like the boxes with results etc. Only one thing: the generic data take up too much space, sort of too 'foregrounded', while the results and the achievements are a bit out of focus. Don't you think?

19 íîÿá. 2014 ã., â 0:35, Stefan Wanzenried íàïèñàë(à):

Here's an example how the running would look like atm, just as template. What do you think? If okay, I would factor out all the common stuff into partials, so they can be reused for the views of boxing

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wanze commented 9 years ago

I see that, how would you rearrange it? :) The results and achievements are only present if the event is passed and the user did enter them. Maybe I could arrange the results-box left to the details? I'll give it a try

svetakrasikova commented 9 years ago

This is what I was thinking too: move the results box next to the details. Or even put all the boxes under the title and the description and the details on the right side. But you are right, if there are no results yet, this may not look great. Then again: it is already very good the way it looks now :)

19 Nov 2014, в 08:49, Stefan Wanzenried написал(а):

I see that, how would you rearrange it? :) The results and achievements are only present if the event is passed and the user did enter them. Maybe I could arrange the results-box left to the details? I'll give it a try

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Bergrebell commented 9 years ago

looks awesome! :+1: