Bergrebell / CyberCoach

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UI: Edit and Create View #68

Closed wanze closed 9 years ago

wanze commented 9 years ago
wanze commented 9 years ago

Sorry I have tried some stuff out for the first two points ;)

Bergrebell commented 9 years ago

nice! i'm working on the rest btw ;)

Bergrebell commented 9 years ago

when editing a session i get the following error message:

SQLite3::SQLException: no such table: running_participant_results: SELECT "running_participant_results".* FROM "running_participant_results" WHERE "running_participant_results"."sport_session_participant_id" = 2 ORDER BY "running_participant_results"."id" ASC LIMIT 1

App Trace:

app/models/sport_session.rb:48:in result' lib/facade/base_facade.rb:186:inrescue in method_missing' lib/facade/base_facade.rb:183:in method_missing' app/controllers/runnings_controller.rb:37:inedit_result'

any ideas?

lexruee commented 9 years ago

@Bergrebell Seems to be an exception which is not catched. @wanze I guess we discussed that here:

Edit: Sorry, I mixed up two different topics. @Bergrebell It seems that the table running_participant_results is missing. Maybe @wanze needs to push his db/schema.rb file or db migration files.

Bergrebell commented 9 years ago

yes it seems as if the migrations are missing ...

Bergrebell commented 9 years ago

@wanze - i did some minor changes concerning the "User should know what to enter, e.g. integer/text or km/miles etc." and realized that firefox displays the form placeholders in another way - shall i push them?

wanze commented 9 years ago

@Bergrebell Can you pull from dev and run migrations again? Those models were created by Sveta but there were some problems with the migration files missing... I had to merge manually and it looks like I forgot to copy them over, it only worked on my machine because the tables existed. Does it fix the error for you?

wanze commented 9 years ago

i did some minor changes concerning the "User should know what to enter, e.g. integer/text or km/miles etc." and realized that firefox displays the form placeholders in another way - shall i push them?

I'm not sure what you mean, could you post some screenshots? If you used the HTML-5 placholder tag, then it's normal. Each browser displays the form elements a bit different

Bergrebell commented 9 years ago

@wanze - now it's working! thanks!

lexruee commented 9 years ago

Sorry, I take this over!

lexruee commented 9 years ago

Finally done in commit: 7951658aa258c0ef84202463f3be6ecb0e02d9f9