BerkeleyAutomation / dex-net

Repository for reading the Dex-Net 2.0 HDF5 database of 3D objects, parallel-jaw grasps, and robust grasp metrics
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dexnet.api:Failed to import DexNetVisualizer3D #20

Closed red-eyed-tree-frog closed 6 years ago

red-eyed-tree-frog commented 6 years ago

This error is produced every time the cli is launched.

WARNING:dexnet.api:Failed to import DexNetVisualizer3D, visualization methods will be unavailable

After numerous installs and investigations there do not appear to be any dependency issues. The kinect/libfreenect packages are not yet installed but I do not think that would be causing this.

Could there be some bad file-paths in the source code? Has this issue been encountered before?

red-eyed-tree-frog commented 6 years ago

Solved by changing line 50 in dex-net/


try: from dexnet.visualization import DexNetVisualizer3D as vis except: logger.warning('Failed to import DexNetVisualizer3D, visualization methods will be unavailable')


from dexnet.visualization.visualizer3d import DexNetVisualizer3D as vis

kundan09 commented 5 years ago

@jeffmahler can u please help me . i have installed dexnet and geeting error as :- :Failed to import DexNetVisualizer3D

:Unable to import pylibfreenect2. Python-only Kinect driver may not work properly. not installed as catkin package. ROS functionality not available. WARNING:root:Failed to import ROS in PhoXiSensor functionality unavailable. WARNING:dexnet.api:Failed to import DexNetVisualizer3D, visualization methods will be unavailable test_illegal_create (main.Hdf5DatabaseTest) ... ok test_new_database_and_graspable (main.Hdf5DatabaseTest) ... Input mesh /home/robo/catkin_ws/src/dex-net/data/test/models/bar_clamp.obj output mesh /home/robo/catkin_ws/src/dex-net/.dexnet/bar_clamp_proc.obj Loading Plugins: Current Plugins Dir is: /usr/lib/meshlab/plugins Error in XMLFile: filter_measure.xml - line: -1, column: -1 - Error in XMLFile: filter_mutualinfo.xml - line: -1, column: -1 - Total 227 filtering actions Total 13 io plugins Opening a file with extention obj Mesh bar_clamp.obj loaded has 1428 vn 476 fn No Script to apply. Mesh /home/robo/catkin_ws/src/dex-net/data/test/models/bar_clamp.obj saved as /home/robo/catkin_ws/src/dex-net/.dexnet/bar_clamp_proc.obj (1428 vn 476 fn) INFO:root:MeshlabServer Command: meshlabserver -i "data/test/models/bar_clamp.obj" -o ".dexnet/bar_clamp_proc.obj" Reading data. Warning: 9 lines were ignored since they did not contain faces or vertices. Read in 1428 vertices and 476 faces. Resolution: 0.000716689 with real dimension 0.064502 Center of grid 0 0 0 Bound box size: (-0.0358344 -0.0358344 -0.0358344) to (0.021729 0.02 0.032251) with dimensions 100 100 100. Computing signed distance field. Writing results to: .dexnet/bar_clamp_proc.sdf Processing complete. INFO:root:SDF Command: SDFGen ".dexnet/bar_clamp_proc.obj" 100 5 INFO:root:Returning datum bar_clamp WARNING:root:No rendered images of type segmask for stable pose pose_0 WARNING:root:No rendered images of type depth for stable pose pose_0 WARNING:root:No rendered images of type scaled_depth for stable pose pose_0 ok