BerkeleyLab / Marble

Dual FMC FPGA carrier board developed for general purpose use in particle accelerator electronics instrumentation.
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Which Kicad version to use to open the layout #47

Closed buenoshun closed 1 year ago

buenoshun commented 1 year ago

Which Kicad version to use to open the layout? I have version 6.0.7 When i open the pcb file, all the power planes disappear and it shows ratsnests for all power nets including gnd. it also gives a message that the file was converted from old version to new.

ldoolitt commented 1 year ago

Right up front in the README, it says `The schematic/layout tool used is KiCad EDA version 5.1.8; you can feel comfortable using KiCad version 5.1.x, where x ≥ 5.' And in reality, we're up to about 5.1.10.

You can certainly read and view the design with KiCad 6.x, and yes you'll get that warning about file conversion. Just don't turn in changes written by those versions.

The ratsnests when opening are normal. Just press "b" to fill in ground and power planes. We always save the files with the planes un-filled to keep diffs between versions more manageable.