Bernasss12 / BetterEnchantedBooks

Makes it easier to identify different enchantment books.
MIT License
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update to 1.17 #37

Closed Fourmisain closed 3 years ago

Fourmisain commented 3 years ago

The process looked like this:

Note: This could have unintended side-effects I'm not aware of.

Here, matrices.scale() doesn't work because renderGuiItemIcon() uses a different MatrixStack, namely RenderSystem.getModelViewStack(). It also calls RenderSystem.applyModelViewMatrix(); after it changing it - I have no idea what the latter does, but I applied it anyways.

I didn't do a ton of testing but so far everything seems fine. You might wanna pull this and push it to a separate branch because GitHub doesn't allow PRs to new branches

Bernasss12 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the pr, I'll do the basic testing I usually do when I make big changes and I'll just release it as a beta for now just in case something is in fact broken.