BerndK / SvgToXaml

Smart Tool to view svg-files and convert them to xaml for use in .NET
886 stars 164 forks source link

Migrate .NET Framework 4.6.2 to .NET 6 #29

Open SoftStoneDevelop opened 2 years ago

SoftStoneDevelop commented 2 years ago

Why not. Also updated all nuggets.

virzak commented 1 year ago

Is this getting merged?

SoftStoneDevelop commented 1 year ago

One thing - I did not do unit tests. Because the new version of the svg->xaml converter adds unique element guid's each time.

I thought to discuss this with the owner of the repository, but there has been silence for a long time. And so everything works correctly.

virzak commented 1 year ago

Also, I was wondering. Why isn't this targeted to .Net Standard 2.0?

Update: Never mind. I see it uses SharpVectors.Converters.Wpf.

paulushub commented 1 year ago

One thing - I did not do unit tests. Because the new version of the svg->xaml converter adds unique element guid's each time.

That was experimental feature for hit testing and it is removed now. In the previous release before 1.8.0, you can simple set the interactivity property in the settings to None and no ID is appended. Moreover, the new version of the SharpVectors 1.8.0, contains ResourceSvgConverter, so you can completely discard ConverterLogic and related classes. Take a look at the WpfTestResourceSvg sample to see the features exposed by the new converter class.

While developing the new features, I posted an invitation #30 to test it and provide feedbacks, but there was no response.

SoftStoneDevelop commented 1 year ago

Test app(WpfTestSvgSample) at does the same or not? So this project is not so necessary. The funny thing is that the original library (on the basis of which this project is made) SharpVectors has fewer stars.

paulushub commented 1 year ago

Test app (WpfTestSvgSample) at does the same or not?

WpfTestSvgSample is simply a demo sample for the ResourceSvgConverter class, it does not provide the command-line processing, configuration serialization etc.

So this project is not so necessary.

It is necessary. It can be simplified though, by using the new converter class. The new converter class can use multiple directory sources that is not demonstrated by WpfTestSvgSample for instance.

The funny thing is that the original library (on the basis of which this project is made) SharpVectors has fewer stars.

This app extended SharpVectors to provide ResourceDictionary output file, which is only available in SharpVectors 1.8.0+.