BerriAI / litellm

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Is it possible to use palm2 text-bison via litellm? #107

Closed aeneaswiener closed 11 months ago

aeneaswiener commented 11 months ago

As in the title. I know chat-bison is supported, but I'm specifically interested in text-bison, including our own fine-tuned text-bison models. Is or will this be possible?

krrishdholakia commented 11 months ago

hi @aeneaswiener - should be possible. I can share a working notebook on using litellm with the text-bison models. I believe there's some tweaks we might need to make to support fine-tuned models, can do it by EOD if you're planning on using litellm soon

ishaan-jaff commented 11 months ago

@aeneaswiener do you use text-bison through VertexAI ? Happy to get it setup for you.

Mind sharing a code snippet of how you're calling text-bison and your fine-tuned models ? My email is if you'd prefer sending it privately

aeneaswiener commented 11 months ago

It's not super super urgent, but here some code snippets

import vertexai
from vertexai.language_models import TextGenerationModel

vertexai.init(project="XXX", location="us-central1")
parameters = {
    "temperature": 0.2,
    "max_output_tokens": 256,
    "top_p": 0.8,
    "top_k": 40
model = TextGenerationModel.from_pretrained("text-bison@001")
response = model.predict(
print(f"Response from Model: {response.text}")

for the fine tuned models, it's just one additional line to be inserted before response =:

model = model.get_tuned_model("projects/XXX/locations/us-central1/models/XXX")
ishaan-jaff commented 11 months ago

@aeneaswiener added support, this notebook has examples on usage:


Can you please let us know once you try this

If you run into any issues when testing you can reach me at or +1 412-618-6238

aeneaswiener commented 11 months ago

Incredible, thank you very much!!