BerriAI / litellm

Call all LLM APIs using the OpenAI format. Use Bedrock, Azure, OpenAI, Cohere, Anthropic, Ollama, Sagemaker, HuggingFace, Replicate (100+ LLMs)
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[Feature]: LiteLLM support VertexAI/ Hugging Face Models #3659

Open ishaan-jaff opened 1 month ago

ishaan-jaff commented 1 month ago

The Feature

user is trying to use litellm for calling VertexAI / hugging face model

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krrishdholakia commented 1 month ago

i believe this is already supported via model garden -

nerfZael commented 1 month ago

@krrishdholakia it is not supported, the Vertex API throws an error:

{"error":{"message":"VertexAIException - 400 Failed to deserialize the JSON body into the target type: instances[0]: missing field `inputs` at line 1 column 74 

FYI this is my minimal reproducible setup:

import litellm
litellm.vertex_project = "0000" # project id
litellm.vertex_location = "us-central1"

response = litellm.completion(
  model="vertex_ai/0000", # endpoint id 
  messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "write code for saying hi from LiteLLM"}],

My guess is it's because it's a hugging face model that's deployed to vertex