BerriAI / litellm

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[Bug]: How do I stop import litellm from loading .env? #4361

Open paul-gauthier opened 6 days ago

paul-gauthier commented 6 days ago

What happened?

The proxy docs mention LITELLM_MODE=PRODUCTION will stop loading .env. But that doesn't seem to stop import litellm from loading a .env file.

I also can't determine which .env file is being loaded when I don't have a .env in the current dir or in my home dir. It's loading one of my .env files, but I don't know which one for sure.

Relevant log output

import os
from pathlib import Path

dotenv = Path(".env")
if dotenv.exists():

print(os.environ.get("FROM_DOT_ENV")) # None


import litellm
print(os.environ.get("FROM_DOT_ENV")) # True

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krrishdholakia commented 6 days ago

hey @paul-gauthier i haven't run your script yet - but the only place the module should be running 'load_dotenv' is in and that's behind the LITELLM_MODE flag -

Will investigate further with your script - thanks for that