BerriAI / reliableGPT

Get 100% uptime, reliability from OpenAI. Handle Rate Limit, Timeout, API, Keys Errors
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openai key management does not work #13

Open ishaan-jaff opened 1 year ago

ishaan-jaff commented 1 year ago

Servers went down because my keys got rotated, reliableGPT did not notify me specifically that my Keys went down.

If I have not been able to respond to users for 10mins straight it should ping me

In addition to this, there's no UI where I can manage my keys + tokens so i have no idea what key works / what doesn't. + There's no easy way to add a key.

It's additional friction of adding a key to reliableGPT as opposed to copy/pasting from openai and I don't get much additional value from the key mgmt feature as yet