Berted / pe

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Constraint-Typing-Preferred Constraint Violation: Copying internship links. #6

Open Berted opened 1 year ago

Berted commented 1 year ago

Again, another minor issue. However, since there's no way to copy a link through the CLI, it would be great if there's a solution that provides the ability to copy just through typing.

soc-pe-bot commented 1 year ago

Team's Response

We don't think this is a necessity as it is even easier to copy the link by simply clicking on it.

Items for the Tester to Verify

:question: Issue response

Team chose [response.Rejected]

Reason for disagreement: I disagree, users that are very proficient at keyboard shortcuts can perform the following (on Windows):

  1. Say we have two windows open, FindMyIntern and Google Chrome
  2. Let's assume we have copied the link from FindMyIntern
  3. Alt+Tab to Google Chrome
  4. Ctrl+L to focus on the address bar and Ctrl+V to paste

Notice how a user who "prefers typing to mouse interactions" (as stated in the DG) may actually not need to press the keyboard at all so long as they can perform step 2 with a command instead.

However, I do understand that this feature flaw is quite specific and only applies to a few people. I'd agree to put this issue a notInScope response as it might not have been critical to do so as of 1.4. However, I disagree with the sentiment that it should be rejected.