BertrandHustle / trebekbot

A Django/React app for playing Jeopardy!
2 stars 1 forks source link

Need to remove questions with hyperlinks/video links #4

Closed BertrandHustle closed 6 years ago

BertrandHustle commented 7 years ago

[ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY] [$2000] _'(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Argonne National Lab in Chicago.) The hard X-ray nanoprobe helps in the design of solar cells by allowing subatomic examination of these materials, such as silicon, which act sometimes like metal & sometimes like insulators'

BertrandHustle commented 7 years ago

'"I can feel my heart becoming a diamond and..."'

BertrandHustle commented 6 years ago

being integrated rather than filtered out, no longer an issue